Dress Code
Shirts - Any solid color polo shirt
Pants - Navy, black, or khaki pants, no leggings or tights
Shoes - solid colored shoes, tennis shoes for phys. ed. (gym)
Hair - all hair colors must be a color that can grow out of a human head, no colors such as pink, purple, etc.
Sweaters - must be solid colored and sweater material
Shorts - may be worn April 1 - Oct. 31
Our Dress Code Also Requires the Following:
Students must be in uniform every day unless students earn a dress down privilege (they will receive a dress down pass from their teacher). Uniform includes:
Students are required to wear a polo each day. The polo’s may be long or short-sleeved.
During the winter months, students may wear any color of a long-sleeved shirt under their polo.
Students are required to wear tan, navy blue, or black pants, shorts, skirts, skorts, or jumpers.*
All shirts must be tucked in at all times.
All trousers, pants or shorts must totally cover undergarments, including boxer shorts.
Safe and appropriate footwear must be worn which includes brown or black dress shoes and/or tennis shoes. Inappropriate footwear includes, but is not limited to, roller skates, skate shoes and bedroom slippers.
Sweaters: Must be solid and in the following colors: white, blue, red, gray, or black. Sweaters must be button down or zipper. No hoods are permitted. Sweaters must be sweater material.**
*All shorts, skirts, skorts, and jumpers need to be a length to the child’s knees. Students who are wearing these items that are shorter than this length will be considered out of uniform. A call home to the parent may be made upon the occurrence that the length is unprofessional.
**Please note that hoodies are not considered sweaters