Explore our Programs & School Climate
The climate of a school includes its kids and its diversity, but it includes much more than that. Fostering a positive school climate is an important aspect of school improvement efforts. It encourages collaboration among faculty and staff and motivates students to get engaged. At South Side Academy, we want our students to be able to participate in after-school activities that enrich our students with creativity, athletic skills, and academic challenges that support the school climate.
In addition, after school clubs can boost academic performance, reduce risky behaviors, promote physical health, and provide a safe, structured environment for our students!
“I love being a teacher at South Side Academy! The students, staff and administration are like a family. Everyone is supportive of one another and work together to provide a positive and safe learning environment for the students. I like the small class sizes which allow us to give students differentiated instruction and allows for more individual instruction and attention. The teachers work hard to create engaging lessons to make learning fun.”
— Lindsay Holsopple, 4th-5th grade math + science teacher
Network Community Partners
American Red Cross
Boys and Girls Club of America
City Kids Care
Children’s Hunger Alliance: provides hot meals for after school programs
Donna DeMay Program: private donor who donates clothes, food, and uniforms every year to the school
Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Program
Girl Scouts
Green Team: Green Youngstown offers age appropriate environmental lessons
Imaginations Salon
Karen Kinney
Lions Club: invites our students with disabilities to their annual Christmas party
Little Free Library
Making Kids Count: provides donated boots through their Best Foot Forward program
Millcreek Metro Parks: offers field trips to the school
Mobile Dentist
Ohio Benefit Bank
OH Wow!: offers workshops that bring science to the kindergarten students
OSU Extension: provides a 10-week program that offers knowledge of nutrition and awareness. A partnership with OSU Extension and St. Pat’s Church allowed students to plant and maintain two small garden plots.
PANDA Junior Camp: a youth led, adult guided drug prevention program for 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students
Peter Norris & wife
Phantoms: Phantoms Hockey promotes health and wellness to students of the community by hosting a school day game
PsyCare: PsyCare counselors and social workers are housed in the school
Real Eyes: Real Eyes offers eye health presentations for grades k-3
Saint Vincent De Paul: offers food for weekender students
Scrappers: The Mahoning Valley Scrappers Reading Club encourages our students to set and reach goals in reading
Sincerely Touched Salon
Soles of Luv: provides students with shoes and socks
St. Pat’s Community Outreach: provides volunteers for school events and food for weekender students.
The Holy Rosary Church
The Villa
Warrior Time: South Side after school program that offers students dinner, homework assistance, and academically and physically based programs
YSU Chemistry Department
YUMADAOP: Youngstown Urban Minority and Drug Abuse Outreach Program. YUMADAOP educators service our youth in grades 6-8 in prevention education classes every week
Community Engagement Specialist
For questions concerning community engagement or our partners, please contact the following personnel:
Tracy Carter, Director of Community Engagement, tcarter@edempowerment.com